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Brownsburg Lodge No. 241

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Brownsburg Lodge meets at the Brownsburg Masonic Hall, 314 East College Avenue, in Brownsburg, Indiana. Masonic visitors are always welcome. The public is invited to attend all open events.

If you are not already a member of our fraternity, and would like additional information, please contact one of our officers or any member of our fraternity. Although we cannot directly solicit members, we will be pleased to respond to your expression of interest by answering your questions and will gladly provide a petition at your request.

Call (317) 852-2777 for event information. New messages are entered weekly, or as new information is decided by the Worshipful Master.

Parking is available adjacent to the hall.

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Stated Communication is at 7:30 P.M. on the 1st Thursday of each month. All Masons are welcome.

Degree work is held on Thursdays, other than the stated communication, and all degree work begins promptly at 7:00 P.M. All Masons are welcome.

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Our mailing address is:

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2001 Officers

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Major Events

[ At Work ]

Listings as of ...

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From The East - Keeping Our Lodge On Course

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All the NEW Fifty Year Members.

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Please call for updated information at (317) 852-2777. This information is updated weekly.

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